I don't like to get political, or socio-economic, as the case may be, but I'm about to throw a mantrum.
Just for the record, I thought the bailout was a bad idea. I may have been wrong, but my reasoning turned out to be dead on.
"At least fifty percent of that money is going to go directly to ultrarich people," I said in my self-righteous way. "Not in some sort of indirect, voodoo-economics sort of way, but directly into their bank accounts."
I think we can all agree that that's pretty much what happened. I mean, yes, maybe the bailout helped, but let me feel good about my righteous indignation at least. The money went to bonuses and spa trips. Multimillion dollar ad campaigns, and booze, and hookers, and yachts, and hookers with booze on yachts.
So, the AIG bonuses and the financial company executives making more money after bankrupting the country doesn't come as a surprise. I saw that insult coming a long way off. Even though I am in a single-income home raising twins on ramen noodles and rainwater, I just quietly simmer. Even though my employer just cut my pay by 18 percent, I take deep breaths and move on.
"We also got congress to send out a guy who will cock-punch
everyone in the country not making more than $500,000 a year."
But this new atrocity. This new wedgie from the financial titans is almost too much too bear. I rail against this with every ounce of bitterness and anger I can muster. This hits me not only in the self-rigtheous bone, but in the parent bone.
Goldman Sachs executives apparently got themselves a huge stockpile of H1N1 vaccine before most everyone else in the country. Yes, that's right, before most schools. Before most hospitals. They got their vaccine before my children had a chance to. I'm glad someone realizes how important those Goldman-Sachs guys are.
I know, it's just another in a long series of insults. But this sense of entitlement, this in-your-face decadence is becoming more than I can handle.
I imagine the people of France felt like this when Marie Antoinette was having her girls-gone-wild party. The tiny fraction of the ultra-rich that keep taking and taking should be careful -- I'm sure there are people out there sharpening guillotines. I'm just sayin'.